Sunday, February 4, 2018

Retail Store Takes Control of their Deliveries and Customers

Yesterday we spoke with a recent DeliveryMark registrant and user.  She’s a florist and had read our post called “Deliveries. Your Business. Your Brand.”    She (“Sue”) immediately signed up for DeliveryMark. (She had previously used an outside service for her deliveries.)

DeliveryMark - Best Delivery App

Sue and two employees work in the shop. She made it sound like it was a busy shop.  She registered for DeliveryMark and downloaded the app onto her cell phone.  She played with it and got familiar with it.  She personally made the first delivery that day. 

She found it was easy to use the app. Sue felt comfortable that her people would immediately understand how to use the app and have no problems making deliveries.  She had them download the DeliveryMark app.

After a few days Sue left the outside service and had her employees start handling all local deliveries.

She likes the idea of “her people” interacting with customers.  They always give out a business card (magnet) to the people.  She emphasized to her people to be personable and polite to the customers. She feels good about this change and feels it will be good for her business.

She thanked us for our support. We thanked her for sharing her story!

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Adding deliveries is easy.
Download the DeliveryMark Delivery App.

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About DeliveryMark: Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivery anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App.

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Note: As with any changes in your business, please consult your attorney, insurance provider, and/or other business advisers to ensure you know the legalities and liabilities associated with the changes.

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