Monday, February 12, 2018

Conversation With An Owner Operator Who Uses DeliveryMark

I had a conversation with one of our DeliveryMark Delivery App users who hauls stone and sand.   He’s an owner operator who has been on his own for 8 years.

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Owner Operator Trucker uses DeliveryMark Delivery App

Business is good.  He has consistent work. Occasionally he would misplace or lose paperwork but he had few major problems. 

Recently he got a new Samsung Galaxy S8.  He installed various apps including Gmail, FaceBook, FaceBook Messenger, and Instagram.

Not being a necessity, but since he was looking for apps, he looked around for apps that would allow him to go paperless. 

He came across DeliveryMark on Google Play and decided to give it a try.

Why not?  He could stop using it if he didn’t like it.  He installed it and upgraded so he could use it as a hauler. (It’s only $7 / mo).  He played with the app for a little while and quickly understood how to use it. (Note: There is a collection of DeliveryMark Help Videos on YouTube.)

That was 6 months ago and he’s been using it ever since.  He likes not having paper and, when he needs to go back to a past job, he can just look on his computer. He's very happy using DeliveryMark and continues to use it.

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Please keep sending us your stories and photos.  We love hearing from you. - DM

If you have not yet started using, or would like additional information about DeliveryMark, please take a look at

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