Friday, January 19, 2018

Proof-Of-Delivery Document proves his driver did not cause damage

A happy DeliveryMark Delivery App client sent us this email.  He quickly resolved an issue by presenting the Proof-Of-Delivery Document to the client, to prove his driver did not damage the delivery.

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Dave -
I saw the email you posted from the company that used your proof of delivery to help them get paid.

We had a similar but different situation with a client.  We picked up some boxes for a delivery and one of them was damaged.  At pickup, our driver took a photo of it and made a comment using the app.

The manager at the destination called and questioned us about that one particular box.  We sent him a copy of the epod and he immediately dropped the matter.

I wish we had started using it sooner because we’ve had other similar instances of customers questioning damages on our deliveries.

I thought you’d like to hear some good news!  


[ Name withheld ]

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