Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Year's Resolution - Starting A Delivery Business

We are a little late wishing everyone a Happy New Year… But better late than never.

This time of year, it’s very popular for people to have New Year’s Resolutions. 

Starting a new business is often on the top of the list. And a delivery business is often the choice they make.

New Years Resolution - Use DeliveryMark to start your Delivery Business

As an example, yesterday we were approach by someone who was unhappy with how much money he was making. He was also concerned his job may be in jeopardy.  He had found DeliveryMark online and contacted us.  We had a brief conversation with him, sharing our experiences in the delivery business.

During the conversation, he mentioned one of his ‘buddies’ had a business that needed documents delivered to clients, attorneys, banks, and real estate agents on a daily basis.  He guessed they paid for 30 to 40 deliveries every day.


We discussed approaching his friend about giving him some of the deliveries. Once he proves himself, ask for more.

Many people start their businesses with a family members, friends, or acquaintances giving them an opportunity.  It’s a great way to get started. It also gives you a little leeway, just in case, you make a few mistakes in the beginning of the business.

Well, he’s excited to start his business. He will be approaching his ‘buddy’ and other friends and family members who may have deliveries, or may know of people, who may have business for him.

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Here’s to a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous 2019!

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About DeliveryMark: Owner Operators, Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivering anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App. The DeliveryMark App is also a Proof-of-Delivery app.

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#DeliveryMark #Links


DeliveryMark Apple/IOS app :

DeliveryMark Android app:


Capterra: DeliveryMark -

Pinterest: Start a Delivery Business -


 #Tracking #Dispatch #ProofOfDelivery #CollectSignatures

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Pricing for courier, delivery, and trucking apps and software

On one of the software websites, we scrolled through a list of courier, delivery, and trucking software/app providers. We looked at each company’s websites to compares prices.  

Best Courier and Delivery App and Software is DeliveryMark

As we scrolled through the list of courier apps and software, visiting their websites and chatting with their customer service, we found this sampling of prices:

  • Starts at $299 / month
  • Starts at $34.95 / month 
  • Starts at $279 / month
  • Starts at $149 / month
  • Starts at $197 / month
  • Starts at $69 / month
  • Starts at $39 / month

As you can see, the DeliveryMark Delivery App  is significantly less expensive than most of the delivery apps in the list.

Note: While we are not hands-on familiar with all of the products, we assume they’re all good and all, including DeliveryMark,  have their pluses and minuses.  

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  • Small to mid-sized organizations making deliveries. This can be couriers, messengers, towing companies, trucking companies and other delivery companies. We have retailers and wholesalers using it.  Leasing and equipment rental companies also use DeliveryMark.  And many other types of organization use it.
  • Companies that are cost conscious.
  • Companies that are trying to be better organized.
  • Companies wanting to offer real-time tracking to their clients
  • New companies and startups. (The DeliveryMark Delivery App makes them look professional by allowing them to collect signatures, take photos, etc. They also like having the Proof-Of-Delivery document automatically generated.)
  • Companies that are implementing an app for the first time. (Many had previously been only using paper.)

* * *

The DeliveryMark Delivery App allows you to

  • create orders/deliveries
  • dispatch / assign deliveries to drivers
  • track drivers / deliveries via GPS
  • offer free access to your customers to track their deliveries
  • capture signatures
  • take photos
  • generate proof of delivery documents (time-, date-, longitude/latitude-stamped)
  • and much more...

… All for only $7 / mo / driver.

Visit today and see how we can help your business. 

Free demo available!

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About DeliveryMark: Owner Operators, Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivering anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App. The DeliveryMark App is also a Proof-of-Delivery app.

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#DeliveryMark #Links


DeliveryMark Apple/IOS app :

DeliveryMark Android app:


Capterra: DeliveryMark -

Pinterest: Start a Delivery Business -


 #Tracking #Dispatch #ProofOfDelivery #CollectSignatures

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Using Our First Delivery App – And Loving It

We received a long email from a  DeliveryMark client. Here are some parts of it...

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… It took us a long time but we made the commitment to start using a delivery app.

We use the DeliveryMark Delivery App for all our deliveries

We’re a small delivery service with 5 drivers.  We would typically print and hand a BOL to them or, if they were out on the road, we’d text them with the details of the delivery. 

In cases where we printed the BOL for the driver, often we would be delayed getting the signed paperwork back from our driver. Other times we may never receive the signed paperwork. Yet other times, with all the paper in our office, we would misplace the paperwork.

In cases where we had to text our drivers, we had no formal paperwork!  The drivers carried a paper form to complete, and when they made the delivery, collected signatures, dated and put the time on the paperwork.

One day we had an incident that finally convinced us to start using a Delivery app. …

DeliveryMark Delivery App - collect signatures track deliveries GPS Proof-of-Delivery

Two days after a delivery, we received an angry call from a large, normally reasonable client.  They had received a delivery and the boxes, and contents of the boxes, were damaged.   Our driver said he had returned the paperwork to us, but we could not find it.  We had no proof or documentation to even contest the client’s accusations.  

In the spirit of goodwill and keeping a large client happy, we did not charge them for the delivery.  We also paid for the damage of contents of the boxes. We always try to do-the-right-thing by our clients…. But in this case it was financially painful to our organization.

We started looking for an affordable solution for us to (a) track deliveries and (b) create a proof-of-delivery document.

We found DeliveryMark. After having a demo, we decided to start using it.

Our drivers immediately understood how to use the DeliveryMark Delivery App.  They like the convenience of immediately receiving their order, being able to collect signatures, take photos, etc… and having all the information automatically sent to our office.  They no longer have to keep track of paperwork and bring it to the office. (They really like and have commented multiple times about not having to manually return the paperwork to the office.)

The drivers have little reason to come to the office!  They can be at home or out on the road, and receive their orders. They can go to-and-from deliveries more efficiently.

We also like DeliveryMark because we can track the locations of our drivers and make better business decisions based upon the locations.

… etc…

… I guess I’m kinda rambling but DeliveryMark has been good for us!  

We are more efficient, and while we have not had to use the proof-of-delivery document to contest questions on a delivery, we use it for record keeping and… we know it’s there in case we need it!

Thank you to the DeliveryMark Team!

* * *

Call us! Email us! We appreciate your sharing stories with us.  It's always great hearing from you. Please keep communicating with us!

We appreciate your business. Thank you for using the DeliveryMark Delivery App.

* * *

About DeliveryMark: Owner Operators, Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivering anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App. The DeliveryMark App is also a Proof-of-Delivery app.

* * *

#DeliveryMark #Links


DeliveryMark Apple/IOS app :

DeliveryMark Android app:


Capterra: DeliveryMark -

Pinterest: Start a Delivery Business -


 #Tracking #Dispatch #ProofOfDelivery #CollectSignatures1

Sunday, October 21, 2018

One of our recent videos...

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Call us! Email us! We appreciate your sharing stories with us.  It's always great hearing from you. Please keep communicating with us!

We appreciate your business. Thank you for using the DeliveryMark Delivery App.

* * *

About DeliveryMark: Owner Operators, Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivering anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App. The DeliveryMark App is also a Proof-of-Delivery app.

* * *

#DeliveryMark #Links


DeliveryMark Apple/IOS app :

DeliveryMark Android app:


Capterra: DeliveryMark -

Pinterest: Start a Delivery Business -


 #Tracking #Dispatch #ProofOfDelivery #CollectSignatures

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Who's Delivering What Using The DeliveryMark Delivery App (Pretty Much Anything)

This week we reached out to a group of our DeliveryMark Delivery App users to get feedback and ask a few questions about the types of items they deliver, important functionality, etc. We like to keep in touch and it’s interesting to hear of types of items being transported that we are sometimes unaware of….

  • “…jewelry and valuable items… the proof-of-delivery document is important to us…”
  •  “… we deliver dogs, cats and other pets…  our clients like to track the location of their pets…”
  • “…paperwork for lawyers and banks… the time and date stamp on our deliveries is regularly referenced…”
  • “…We transport heavy equipment…”
  • “….medical supplies … paperwork, samples, etc.  … the deliverymark app is easy to use.  It made it easy to roll it out to our drivers. The previous system was too complicated for our drivers and unreliable…”
  • “… legal paperwork and other packages … We like allowing our clients to place their deliveries online… ”
  • “… food items… sometimes from markets other times prepared meals from restaurants… our customers like knowing when their deliveries are …”
Use the DeliveryMark Delivery App for all your deliveries
  • “…We transport livestock …”
  • "We use DeliveryMark to deliver flowers and plants."
  • “… We transport shipping containers to and from ports, businesses, homes, and pretty much anywhere they want us to put them…”
  • “…furniture and content of homes… Our clients often use Deliverymark to track the location of our trucks …”
  • “…mostly Harleys…”
  • “… We work closely with the owners of storage units facilities.  We transport the contents of the units for their clients. … Often both the owners of the facilities and the owners of the individual units use delivermark to track the deliveries…”
  • “… We move exercise equipment for our retail store…”
  • “… paintings and artwork…”

That’s just a sampling of some of the responses… Many of the people we had contacted, as of this post, had yet to reply.   There are many couriers, messengers, truckers, delivery companies that move all sorts of items that we hadn’t mentioned above. 

Most of the “item-types” listed on loadboards such as DAT,uShip, 123LoadBoard, etc… are moved by companies using DeliveryMark.

If you are a courier, messenger, retailer, or delivery company and not currently using the DeliveryMark Delivery App, please takea look at  It's powerful, easy-to-use and inexpensive.  (Thank you in advance for your consideration. )

* * *

Call us! Email us! We appreciate your sharing stories with us.  It's always great hearing from you. Please keep communicating with us!

We appreciate your business. Thank you for using the DeliveryMark Delivery App.

* * *

About DeliveryMark: Owner Operators, Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivering anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App. The DeliveryMark App is also a Proof-of-Delivery app.

* * *

#DeliveryMark #Links


DeliveryMark Apple/IOS app :

DeliveryMark Android app:


Capterra: DeliveryMark -

Pinterest: Start a Delivery Business -


 #Tracking #Dispatch #ProofOfDelivery #CollectSignatures

Friday, October 5, 2018

Making Your Courier / Delivery Business Appear Larger - Get More Clients

When you are starting, or have a small business, one of the goals is to make it appear bigger.  

While there are many benefits to a prospect working with a small business, there is a certain psychology that brings comfort to a prospect when they do business with larger organizations.

There are many posts on how to make your company look larger. Below are a few excerpts from 100’s of articles on the subject.  (We are discussing the subject because we have had many clients tell us using the DeliveryMark app has given them a larger-company-image when they are pitching prospects.)

DeliverMark Delivery App makes your new and small delivery business look bigger
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* From American Express: Why You Want to Look Bigger 

Businesses can can look bigger then they really are, too. It doesn’t require lying (that will come back to bite you anyway). It just requires “puffing the chest” and “tippy toe walking” in the right places, at the right time, in front of the right prospects.

Before I tell you how to do it, you need to know why you may want to do it. As a general rule, prospects have more confidence in bigger companies. At a subconscious level, a larger company automatically indicates that it is a successful company. After all, anyone can start a business by themselves at a snap of their fingers. But growing a company to dozens of employees, or larger, must mean you are doing something right. It creates a subconscious shortcut for your prospects. Bigger translates to a safer choice.

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* From  …Make Your Business Look Big… 

One key way to establish trust and credibility in your industry is to give the appearance that your company is much larger than it is. Even if you have a small budget, you can invest in products and services that allow you to look and feel more like a corporation, even though you’re still a small business.
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* From SalesForce: 6 Ways to Make Your Small Business Look Bigger

… One of the biggest issues a small business faces in the early days is related to its size. When pitching potential customers, those customers want to know that they can trust a brand before committing to it. When that business is working with a small staff, working without a dedicated office, or otherwise operating with limited resources, it can be difficult for prospects to buy in….

 * * * * * * * * * * * *

So visit Google if you want to find additional posts and information on appearing larger.

The feedback we have gotten from clients it the software gives the impression they have spent a lot of money to have software similar to the kinds that big companies like Fedex and UPS use.

They love being able to hand their phone or device to the person to sign for a delivery and having the time-stamped, date-stamped, longitude/latitude-stamped Electronic Proof of Delivery automatically generated and sent.

And as you know there is so much more functionality…. All for only $7 / month / driver.

There’s no need to tell the prospect how much you’re paying… it’s just between us.

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We appreciate your business. Thank you for using the DeliveryMark Delivery App.

* * *

About DeliveryMark: Owner Operators, Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivering anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App. The DeliveryMark App is also a Proof-of-Delivery app.

Startups and new businesses welcome!

* * *

#DeliveryMark #Links

Pinterest: Start a Delivery Business -

 #Tracking #Dispatch #ProofOfDelivery #CollectSignatures #startups #startadeliverybusiness #startacourierbusiness #startab 

Saturday, September 1, 2018

The DeliveryMark Delivery App Costs Less Than The Price Of Today's Lunch - Turkey Sandwich

(Content of slides of the DeliveryMark Video below)

We like to say...

DeliveryMark Delivery App
Costs Less Than The
Price Of Today's Lunch

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A new DeliveryMark client
recently laughed and said

 "It costs WAY LESS than
today's lunch!"

[Actually, we both laughed]

* * *

So, just for fun, we looked
around to find out...

How much does a
cost in various cities?

[Keeping in mind DeliveryMark
costs only $7 / mo / driver]

* * *

(Cities in USA in which we found menus with Turkey Sandwiches)
#Denver, CO
#Baltimore, MD
#Dallas, TX
#Phoenix, AZ
New York, NY (#NYC)
#Los Angeles, CA
#Seattle, WA

* * *

So DeliveryMark does cost
less than the turkey
sandwiches we looked at...

and that's not including a #DRINK
and #CHIPS with lunch!

* * *

And for less than the price of
today's lunch, you get...

* * *

  • Create Deliveries / Orders / Loads
  • Dispatch to drivers
  • Track Deliveries via GPS
  • Take photos
  • Collect signatures
  • Enter Comments
  • Send messages
  • Create Time- Date- Longitude/Latitude-Stamped Proof-of-Delivery Document
  • Create Contacts & Groups
  • The DeliveryMark Network

* * *

Visit now,
and start using
The DeliveryMark Delivery App today!

We appreciate your business. Thank you for using the DeliveryMark Delivery App.

* * *

About DeliveryMark: Owner Operators, Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivering anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App. The DeliveryMark App is also a Proof-of-Delivery app.

Startups and new businesses welcome!

* * *

#DeliveryMark #Links

Pinterest: Start a Delivery Business -

 #Tracking #Dispatch #ProofOfDelivery #CollectSignatures #startups #startadeliverybusiness #startacourierbusiness #startab