Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Year's Resolution - Starting A Delivery Business

We are a little late wishing everyone a Happy New Year… But better late than never.

This time of year, it’s very popular for people to have New Year’s Resolutions. 

Starting a new business is often on the top of the list. And a delivery business is often the choice they make.

New Years Resolution - Use DeliveryMark to start your Delivery Business

As an example, yesterday we were approach by someone who was unhappy with how much money he was making. He was also concerned his job may be in jeopardy.  He had found DeliveryMark online and contacted us.  We had a brief conversation with him, sharing our experiences in the delivery business.

During the conversation, he mentioned one of his ‘buddies’ had a business that needed documents delivered to clients, attorneys, banks, and real estate agents on a daily basis.  He guessed they paid for 30 to 40 deliveries every day.


We discussed approaching his friend about giving him some of the deliveries. Once he proves himself, ask for more.

Many people start their businesses with a family members, friends, or acquaintances giving them an opportunity.  It’s a great way to get started. It also gives you a little leeway, just in case, you make a few mistakes in the beginning of the business.

Well, he’s excited to start his business. He will be approaching his ‘buddy’ and other friends and family members who may have deliveries, or may know of people, who may have business for him.

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Here’s to a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous 2019!

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About DeliveryMark: Owner Operators, Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivering anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App. The DeliveryMark App is also a Proof-of-Delivery app.

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#DeliveryMark #Links


DeliveryMark Apple/IOS app :

DeliveryMark Android app:


Capterra: DeliveryMark -

Pinterest: Start a Delivery Business -


 #Tracking #Dispatch #ProofOfDelivery #CollectSignatures