We like to say...
DeliveryMark Delivery App
Costs Less Than The
Price Of Today's Lunch
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A new DeliveryMark client
recently laughed and said
"It costs WAY LESS than
today's lunch!"
[Actually, we both laughed]
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So, just for fun, we looked
around to find out...
How much does a
cost in various cities?
[Keeping in mind DeliveryMark
costs only $7 / mo / driver]
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(Cities in USA in which we found menus with Turkey Sandwiches)
#Denver, CO
#Baltimore, MD
#Dallas, TX
#Phoenix, AZ
New York, NY (#NYC)
#Los Angeles, CA
#Seattle, WA
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So DeliveryMark does cost
less than the turkey
sandwiches we looked at...
and that's not including a #DRINK
and #CHIPS with lunch!
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And for less than the price of
today's lunch, you get...
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- Create Deliveries / Orders / Loads
- Dispatch to drivers
- Track Deliveries via GPS
- Take photos
- Collect signatures
- Enter Comments
- Send messages
- Create Time- Date- Longitude/Latitude-Stamped Proof-of-Delivery Document
- Create Contacts & Groups
- The DeliveryMark Network
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Visit DeliveryMark.com now,
and start using
The DeliveryMark Delivery App today!
We appreciate your business. Thank you for using the DeliveryMark Delivery App.
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About DeliveryMark: Owner Operators, Couriers, Messengers, Truckers, Hotshots, Driveaways, Brokers, Retailers,Wholesalers, Manufacturers, and anyone delivering anything can use the DeliveryMark Delivery App. The DeliveryMark App is also a Proof-of-Delivery app.
Startups and new businesses welcome!
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#DeliveryMark #Links
DeliveryMark: https://DeliveryMark.com/
DeliveryMark Apple/IOS app : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/deliverymark/id1100567340?ls=1&mt=8
DeliveryMark Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.deliverymark.deliverymark
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deliverymark/
Capterra: DeliveryMark - https://www.capterra.com/p/154868/DeliveryMark/
Pinterest: Start a Delivery Business - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/377317275024589261/
#Tracking #Dispatch #ProofOfDelivery #CollectSignatures #startups #startadeliverybusiness #startacourierbusiness #startab